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Journeying Together 2022

Tuesday, March 8

"What dialogue is not."


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Galatians 2:1-14  Read as the Apostles try to work through the challenges they face.  It's never been easy to work through problems together, but we keep at it!


Think of a time when you had a real dialogue with someone you disagreed with.  How did it turn out?  How did you feel during the conversation?

March 8

Wednesday, March 9

"Speaking and listening in good faith."


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Genesis 18:22-33 Listen to Abraham as he talks with God.


As you speak with someone today, whether at work or at home, remind yourself as you listen to the other person that God is trying to speak to you through them.  Does that change your experience of listening to them?

March 9

Thursday, March 10

"Being fully present"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Exodus 34:29-35 God speaks to Moses and both are fully present.


Some time today, when you're around other people talking (perhaps at the dinner table?), put your phone on silent and put it away.  Or better yet, leave it in another room.  Try to be fully present to the people you are with.

March 10

Friday, March 11

"Being authentically curious"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Mark 10:17-20 "Teacher, what must I do...?"


When you speak to someone today, whether at home, work, or school, make an effort to ask questions to help you understand what they are truly saying and to help them feel heard.

March 11

Saturday, March 12

"Separate people and their opinions"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Romans 14:1-12 We have different opinions, but we are all still part of the Body of Christ.


Find someone with whom you disagree on some issue.  Next time you talk with that person, pay close attention to what happens in your head and heart.  Instead of judging that person or dismissing them, just try to listen to them.

March 12

Sunday, March 13

"Asking for the grace of appreciation"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


1 Corinthians 1:10-17 Is Christ divided?  Was Paul crucified for you?


Have a conversation today with someone you disagree with.  Rather than arguing, try to understand where they are coming from, and why they believe what they believe.

March 13

Monday, March 14

"Learning to speak authentically"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Acts 4:18-22 Peter and John cannot not speak about Christ.  If they did not do so, they would not be authentic to themselves.


Depending on whom we are around, we often wear masks.  That is, we pretend to be someone we are not.  Take a risk today in a relationship you have to speak from your heart, no matter what the response might be.

March 14

Tuesday, March 15

"Learning to speak boldly"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Acts 4:13-14 Peter and John speak boldly (parhessia) about their experience of the Risen Christ.


Speak out today, with love and courage, about something important to you.  Perhaps you could speak about a problem or injustice you perceive, or perhaps about something that gives you great joy.

March 15

Wednesday, March 16

"Learning to speak lovingly"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


Luke 19: 1-10 Jesus approaches Zaccheus, the tax collector, with love, not fear.  Watch and listen for how Zaccheus responds.


At some point today, when you feel tempted to rail up with another person, take some time before you see the person to imagine what it would be like to speak to the person in love.

March 16

Thursday, March 17

"Everyone feels like they were seen & heard"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


James 5: 13-20 We are all in this together.


Think of someone in your life, who truly listens to you - even if you disagree - and helps you feel listened to.  Pick up the phone today and thank them for that gift.

March 17

Friday, March 18

"New relationships start to form"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.



Say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the relationships in your life that sustain you and energize you.

March 18

Saturday, March 19

"Freedom to reconsider my opinions"


Watch the video and take a few minutes afterward to try to apply the presenter's words to your life.


John 3:1-8 Jesus and Nicodemus


Think of one opinion you hold on to firmly.  Ask yourself: what would it take to convince me to change my mind?

March 19
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